Stop this war!

Aus gege­be­nem Anlass. UN-Haup­t­­quar­­tier, New York City, 2005.Scan from Negativ

Life is too short for futi­le deba­tes with clue­l­ess wisen­hei­mers about whe­ther or not a pho­ne is the right tool to begin with in pho­to­gra­phy. Of cour­se it is not.

Linux and photography

For many years pho­to­gra­phy and linux have not been the best fri­ends. But it seems, as if this has chan­ged. This week I did some­thing which see­med impos­si­ble until now. I kicked Win­dows. No more XP/64, no more 7/64. Go figu­re. Final­ly the­re are linux-repla­ce­­ments for the have-to-have-apps like Ado­be PS and LR. Now I use Digi­k­am (curr­ent­ly […]