Amazing journalistic photography

The win­ners of the Picu­res Of The Year (POY) con­test – the 75th – have cap­tu­red incre­di­ble images. In my view the choice of jour­na­li­stic photograph(er)s is more than okay. But have a look yours­elf.[1]About POY

1st place, Gene­ral News, Kevin Fray­er, »Untit­led«

2nd place, Gene­ral News, Irfan Khan/Los Ange­les Times, »Make Ame­ri­ca Gre­at Again«

3rd place, Gene­ral News, San­ti Don­aire, »Untit­led«

The­re are some more shots that I would con­sider more than just »worth mentioning«.

3rd place, Spot News, Car­los Becer­ra, »Bur­ned«

Award of Excel­lence, Toby Melville/REUTERS, »Lon­don attacks« *

* this would have been my crop of the shot – slight­ly off center. 😉

On a siden­ote: As much as I like the choice of the jury, the site of POY needs a major over­haul. Their inter­nal link-sys­tem is – weird, to say the least. Some links are bro­ken, like the pro­mi­nent one in the hea­der to Rey­nolds Jour­na­lism Insti­tu­te, to which POY is rela­ted in some (which?) way.


1 About POY